Ocean Giants

Discover the Ocean Giants: Top 6 Largest Fish Species

The vast ocean world with countless animals makes us yearn to explore, from ferocious to strange with special abilities, they gradually attract more human curiosity.

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We have known fish that can glow, shrimp with a thousand-pound punch… and many other interesting things, today we will introduce to you something more special, which is information about the largest fish species on the planet.

Blue whale

Scientific name : Balaenoptera musculus
Weight: 140,000 kg (Adult) Encyclopedia of Life
Lifespan: 80 – 110 years
Gestation period: 11 months Encyclopedia of Life
Nutrition level: Carnivorous Encyclopedia of Life
Length: Female: 25 m (Northern Hemisphere Population, Adult), Male: 24 m (Northern Hemisphere Population, Adult)

As we know, the Green Elephant Cattle is the largest species in the world and so they are ranked number 1 on this list. They live in the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific, and are extremely large in size with an average weight of about 90 tons . But they are not scary with such a huge size. Blue whales are zooplankton eaters. An adult blue whale can eat up to 40 million whales  a day.


Scientific name: Physeter macrocephalus
Weight: 35,000 – 57,000 kg (Adult)
Length: 12 m (Adult) Encyclopedia of Life
Lifespan: 70 years
Gestation period: 16 months Encyclopedia of Life
Nutrition level: Omnivorous Encyclopedia of Life

Sperm whales or their scientific name is Physeter macrocephalus , they belong to the whale order ( mammals ) and of course their size is also oversized. The main habitat of this species is in waters deeper than 1000 m and not frozen water, in tropical to temperate seas. Their food is different from whales. Sperm whales always have species such as giant squid, octopus and rays on their menu.

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Sunbathing shark

Scientific name: Cetorhinus maximus
Weight: 2,200 kg (Adult) Encyclopedia of Life
Conservation status: Vulnerable (Declining) Encyclopedia of Life

Basking sharks, also known as Cetorhinus maximus, are extremely large in size, but like blue whales, they are eaters of only plankton. Every hour they can consume a small amount of small fish and animals . bones up to 2,000 tons . They are a sedentary, floating species and are often found on beaches, so the name ” Basking shark ” also describes the behavior of this interesting animal.

Paddle fish

Scientific name: Regalecus glesne
Length : average about 17 m
Weight : 270kg

Paddlefish, also known as King Fish, is a long, flat fish that lives in deep water in the ocean and this is also the reason it is very difficult to see them . They are zooplankton eaters so they are not dangerous. There is very little information about this mysterious animal. People usually only discover them when they are dead or when there is about to be a leopard, under pressure from storms and they will emerge. In Japan, people believe that Oarfish can predict earthquakes and when oarfish appear, earthquakes can occur.

Sunfish (mola mola)

Scientific name: Mola mola
Length: 1.8 m (Adult)
Weight: 1,000 kg (Adult)
Speed: 3.2 km/h (Maximum, Adult)

Sunfish, also known as Sunfish, with the scientific name Mola mola, is a large, multicolored species that lives in deep water like the Paddlefish. The reason why they are called ” Sunfish ” is because most people discover them appearing on the surface of the sea, they live mainly in tropical sea areas, in the hot season they can even reach temperate areas. They can be found in the cold zone. The main dishes of this large species are zooplankton, seaweed…

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Whale Sharks

Scientific name: Rhincodon typus
Weight: 19,000 kg (Adult) Encyclopedia of Life
The length of the whale shark is about 9–11 m

Whale sharks or sharks have the scientific name Rhincodon typus. They belong to the shark family (cartilaginous fish) but are among the largest in size. Their main living area is in tropical or warm temperate regions. During the spawning season, they will move to coastal areas such as Ningaloo reef…. With their large size, they are also not a dangerous species as their main food is plankton, squid and small vertebrates. They are a typical example of the saying “sharks do not cause harm ” dangerous for humans “.


I am not simply a nature lover but also a creator, conveying emotions and messages through writing and photography. Each of my works is an attempt to bring understanding and respect to the world around us.

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