Beauty Town Unveiled

Beauty Town Unveiled: Top 10 Most Beautiful Towns in the World

Sometimes, you feel too suffocated with the hustle and bustle of life in big cities, then you should go to famous, small and peaceful towns in the world like the ones below to find a place for yourself . Please have some peace. The peaceful scenery, ancient architecture and wonderful climate are the reasons why these small towns attract tourists.

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Top 10 most beautiful town in the world

1. Miyajima, Japan

Beauty Town

The small town of Miyajima is located on the island of Itsukushim in the south of the land of the rising sun. Now, this place has become one of Japan’s famous scenic spots and is also home to many of the oldest temples. Among them is Itsukushima Shrine, also known as Itsukushima Shrine, which is considered the most sacred and was built on the water to show respect to the gods. One of the most attractive features of this temple is the O – Torii gate standing tall on the sea facing straight to the temple. This is also the symbol of Miyajima Island . The island was part of the town of Miyajima before its 2005 merger with Hatsukaichi.

Beauty Town

The island is widely known as Miyajima , and in the Japanese language Miyajima means temple, so from there the name temple island appeared. The temple island is considered one of the three views of Japan Hayashi Gaho was identified in 1643. Itsukushima island’s main terrain is mountainous and very sparsely populated, estimated at only about 2,000 people. The island has no city but only a small town with simple wooden houses imbued with ancient Japanese architectural style. In recent years, many tourists have come here to relax because of the fresh air and charming natural landscape, so hotels, motels, and many entertainment and dining venues have gradually appeared. more. 

Coming here, visitors can challenge towering mountains or explore mysterious old forests. And don’t forget to visit the ancient sacred temples, because this place is famous as an island of ancient temples.

2. Juzcar, Spain

Beauty Town

Juzcar is a small town located in the Malaga province of southern Spain. When Juzcar was chosen by filmmakers as a location to promote the movie Smurfs, all the villagers here repainted their houses blue. This place is also known as “Smurf town” because of the green color covering the houses in this southern part of Spain. Previously, all the houses in this town were painted white, but since the spring of 2011, to celebrate the release of the movie The Smurfs, they were all repainted blue. Since all 250 households here painted their houses blue, the number of domestic and foreign tourists coming to Juzcar has skyrocketed and so far they have no intention of painting or renovating their houses any other color.

Beauty Town

Juzcar is a small, peaceful and traditional village located in the Genel valley (Andalucia) with a population of only 250 people. Under the lofty sky, the small village of Juzcar located in the Malaga region (Spain) still stands out with its fresh blue color. If you have the opportunity, you can visit this town to visit and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere here!

3. Zhuzhuang, China

Beauty Town

Located in Jiangsu province, between two major cities, Shanghai and Suzhou, the ancient town of Zhouzhuang is known as the Venice of the East. This town is famous for its bustling streets mixed with the quiet 900-year-old old town. This place has a simple lifestyle and a peaceful living space, very attractive to tourists from all over the world who come here to visit and feel. Coming to the ancient town in the fall, visitors will admire the natural scenery, the autumn scenery is at its most attractive, and the weather is also extremely pleasant. Therefore, Zhuzhuang town is known as the Venice of the East and has been recognized as a historical cultural town of China.

Beauty Town

Chau Trang was formerly located in the Jiangnan river region, with charming scenery that captivated the souls of feudal poets. After hundreds of years, it seems that the scenery here has not changed at all. People and the government participated in protecting and renovating many houses and buildings in the town, keeping their original appearance. Chau Trang is famous for its ancient and quiet beauty, with curved stone bridges, mossy old houses with white walls and black roofs and light wooden boats floating on clear blue water…

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4. Colmar, France

Beauty Town

Colmar is a beautiful small town near the border between Germany and France. Therefore, Colmar’s culture, history as well as architectural style are strongly influenced by its neighboring country, Germany, with small, lovely and colorful houses like houses made of wood. The gingerbread cake in the Hansel and Greitel fairy tale, along with the balcony outside the house, are covered with flower vines, down to the marble slabs split into lovely squares used to pave the road, leading the way across the main bridge. village. 

Today, the town is more than 1,000 years old and has gone through many years of ups and downs in history, but the town still retains the ancient beauty of its ancient architecture. During World War II, Colmar still maintained its peaceful and rustic character, and was not invaded by greedy parties because it was too beautiful and no one had the heart to bomb and destroy it.

Beauty Town

The town of Colmar is likened to a painting, a picture of paradise on earth but is real, existing right in the southern Vosges mountain range of France. The town of Colmar was established a long time ago and is one of the most meaningful places in France in history. Up to now, Colmar still retains its rustic features, typical of French architecture. Colmar retains the most quintessential features of the land of Alsace, is the third largest city in Northeast France but only has an area of ​​66km2. In the town of Colmar, there are streets covered with flowers and houses with many colorful windows. Colmar has both French architecture and a bit of influence in the style of neighboring Germany – an architecture that no other town has.

5. Manarola, Italy

Beauty Town

Manarola is a small town located in the province of La Spezia, Liguria region, northern Italy. Famous for its colorful houses built into the cliffs on the Cinque Terre coast. People here often use climbing ladders to go down to the sea from the cliffs – an extremely unique way unlike anywhere else. Manarola is also a village famous for wines made from grapes grown by the people here. This is a great place for walkers – who can take in the hills and vineyards, as well as walk to Riomaggiore. This is the second smallest town of the famous Cinque Terre, a world heritage site. Manarola may be the Cinque Terre’s oldest town, centered on the church of San Lorenzo, dating from 1338.

Beauty Town

Manarola is the oldest town in Cinque Terre, possessing colorful buildings and uniquely beautiful stone streets. And especially a great beach for swimming on a sunny day. Manarola fishing village attracts the attention of many tourists, photographers, and artists because of its new colors. The panoramic view of the village looks like lego blocks arranged in a very fun way. Multi-storey houses are bright and colorful, bringing a happy and lively feeling.

6. Matmata, Tunisia

Matmata is a small town located in the southern part of the Republic of Tunisia. This town has a typical structure of underground cave houses because the people here dug a large hole vertically above the ground. Around its perimeter, people built an artificial cave inside which are houses with rooms and walkways linked together. People in the village of Matmata in southern Tunisia also choose to live underground to avoid the hot climate in this area. The houses here became more famous when American director George Lucas chose it as the setting for his first science fiction movie “Star Wars”.

Beauty Town

Residents in Matmata live mainly on tourism and olive growing revenue. The houses were built by first digging a deep circular hole into the sandstone, which was soft enough to work with simple hand tools. Caves were then dug out around the edges of the pit, creating underground rooms and leaving the main pit as a courtyard. Once completed, troglodyte construction provides a nice escape from the heat of the day and a sturdy home that can last for many years. Unless, of course, heavy rains like those of the 1960s lead to flooding, damage and in some cases the destruction of underground homes. Periods of extreme drought can also damage homes. This place attracts tourists and is world famous thanks to a ‘troglodyte’ chosen as the setting for main character Luke Skywalker’s residence in the 1977 film Star Wars.

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7. Chefchaouen, Morocco

Beauty Town

The ancient town of Chefchaouen is located northeast of the capital Rabat, Morocco. This place is known as “green paradise” when all the houses here are painted blue. This is a small town with 40,000 people living near the Mediterranean Sea. In 1930, Jews came to live here and decided to paint the walls blue. They believe that this is the color symbolizing heaven and sky. From then on, local people always maintained this habit. Although the houses all have a certain green color, each house uses different light tones and has its own mark thanks to the simple patterns painted on the door of each house.

Beauty Town

This town is rich in history, has beautiful natural scenery and wonderful architecture. In this area, green is even covered on the road. Because of the green color everywhere and the houses combining similar Spanish and Moroccan architecture, for many tourists the Medina area is like a maze. Jews believe that this is the color that symbolizes the sky and heaven. In addition, many people believe that the walls are painted blue to… repel mosquitoes. But whatever the reason, thanks to its green color, this town attracts so many tourists. Indeed, wandering in the small alleys of Chefchaouen to explore and take photos is what many tourists enjoy when coming here.

8. Hoi An Ancient Town, Vietnam

Beauty Town

Hoi An Ancient Town is located in the center of Quang Nam province, Vietnam, near the mouth of the Thu Bon River. The ancient town of Hoi An today is a special example of a traditional port town in Southeast Asia that has been preserved intact and thoughtfully. Most of the houses here are traditional architecture dating from the 17th to the 19th century. The houses here are located interspersed between townhouses, religious and architectural works. Beliefs demonstrate the process of formation and development of urban areas. This place also preserves many ancient works that have been recognized by UNESCO as world heritage sites.

Beauty Town

Hoi An is famous for its traditional, harmonious architectural beauty of houses, walls and roads. Along with many ups and downs of history, Hoi An ancient town still retains its ancient, quiet, moss-covered beauty in every tiled roof, brick, row of trees… like the simplicity of its personality and pure soul. , the sincerity of local people. The most common housing type is one- or two-story tubular houses with narrow width and very long depth. The house is made from materials with high strength and durability due to the harsh climate here. The two sides are separated by brick walls and wooden frames, divided into three compartments with a walkway in the middle. Each house in Hoi An ensures harmony between living space and nature. Each house has a paved yard and decorated with water tanks, rockeries, and ornamental plants, creating an overall beauty. The streets in the Old Quarter are arranged horizontally and vertically in a checkerboard style with short and beautiful streets, winding, embracing the houses. Walking through each of those beautiful and peaceful small streets, visitors not only enjoy delicious food but also see a part of the daily life of Hoi An people, a peaceful, simple life. weird.

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9. Shirakawa-go, Japan

Beauty Town

Shirakawa – go is a mountain town, located in the northern Tokai region in central Japan. It is famous for its buildings called gasshō – zukuri, which have thatched roofs that resemble praying hands. This town is often covered with fog in the morning and becomes clearer at noon. In spring, the town of Shirakawa – go becomes a colorful picture with all kinds of trees and flowers growing and flourishing. This is an ideal place for visitors to immerse themselves in the peaceful rural scenery. With more than 100 houses, including more than 20 hundreds of years old wooden houses preserved almost intact, the village has been recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site since 1995. It is known that the village is a place of Artist Fujiko Fujio conceived and produced the classic comic Doraemon. The main tourist attraction in Shirakawa – go.

Beauty Town

town is Ogimachi, the largest house in the ancient village. The houses here were built about 300 years ago and are renovated every year to maintain their original appearance. The weather in Shirakawa-go has four distinct seasons, so no matter what time you come here, you can feel its fairy-tale beauty. In spring and summer, the scenery here is wonderful with the green of the trees. In the fall, the space is dreamy when the trees begin to change color. However, the most beautiful time of Shirakawa – go is winter, when heavy snow falls, covering the village roads and of course the ancient roofs here. The period from late December to mid-March, when heavy snowfall causes Shirakwa – go to be covered in snow, is also the time when this ancient village is at its most beautiful. It is known that at this time, the amount of snow here is often about 2 to 3 meters thick, creating an extremely impressive white scene.

10. Monsanto, Portugal

Beauty Town

The ancient town of Monsanto is located in the southeast of Serra da Estrela in Portugal, famous for its unique architecture, small stone roads, and granite houses hidden under large rocks. skillfully between the mountains. The rocky slopes here are also quite narrow, just wide enough for a donkey to climb up. From the foot of the hill, it takes about 120 steps to go all the way up the steep path to a hill and at the top of this hill is the remains of the Templar citadel. With scenery unmistakable elsewhere, Monsanto sits on a mountaintop overlooking the Portuguese countryside with wide, sweeping views of some hundreds of miles. In this location, Monsanto is like a living Portuguese museum unchanged for hundreds of years, it still retains its classic village charm.

Beauty Town

Monsanto is characterized by houses sandwiched between giant rocks and small cobblestone streets. The village has remained intact over the centuries and has hardly changed much. Monsanto ‘s appearance has not changed over the centuries, a beautiful landscape stretching all the way to Serra da Estrela will be what you will see when you come to Monsanto. Monsanto is difficult to reach by public transport, but its atmosphere and vast natural panorama attract thousands of people to visit this unique village nestled among rocks.

If you have the opportunity to visit countries with such ancient towns, do not hesitate to visit here. Because these are the peaceful places left in the midst of noisy and bustling cities. I hope this article helps you consider your next stop on your long-term vacation.


I am not simply a nature lover but also a creator, conveying emotions and messages through writing and photography. Each of my works is an attempt to bring understanding and respect to the world around us.

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